How to Run Meta’s Online Gambling and Gaming Ads in India

Are you facing challenges with your online gambling and gaming ads on Meta platforms in India? Have your ads been rejected, or has your Ad Account been disabled? Don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll walk you through every step necessary to successfully run your ads on Meta’s platforms, including Facebook and Instagram.

Meta’s policy for online gambling and gaming ads requires advertisers to obtain written permission before they can promote such content. This policy is designed to ensure that all advertisements comply with local laws and Meta’s advertising standards.

To run ads promoting online gambling and gaming, you must provide evidence that your gambling activities are legally licensed and follow strict targeting criteria to ensure they do not reach audiences under 18 years of age.

Understanding and navigating these requirements can be tricky, but with the right approach, you can effectively advertise your online gambling and gaming services on Meta’s platforms in India.

This guide will provide you with the essential information and steps to get your ads up and running, ensuring compliance with Meta’s policies and local regulations. Let’s dive in and explore how you can successfully launch your online gambling and gaming ads on Meta!

Fill Out a Form

To run gambling and gaming ads, you need to fill out a special form. This form is important because it asks for permission according to Meta’s rules for online gambling and gaming ads. You’ll need to tell them about the websites you want to advertise and where you want your ads to show. If they say yes, you can only use the permission for the websites and places you asked about. If you want to advertise new websites or in new places, you have to fill out the form again.

How to Apply for the Form

Here’s how you fill out the form:

About You and Your Ad Account

  • Tell them about the ad account you’ll use for the ads.
  • Give your company’s name and what kind of business you do (like if you’re a game operator, a partner company, or an agent).
  • Choose your Business Manager account to show all the ad accounts linked to it.

Your Websites and Where You Want to Advertise

  • Say where you want your ads to show and the websites you want to advertise. This includes any websites they might send people to automatically.
  • Tell them about any extra safety steps you have, besides what Meta requires.
  • You can talk about up to five websites in one form. If you want different websites for different places, fill out more forms.
  • Include screenshots of the websites or apps you’re advertising, showing all the games available from the place you’re targeting.
  • They also need to see your website’s rules and conditions. These should be in English, but they don’t need official translations.

Type of Online Gambling/Gaming and Licenses

  • Explain what kind of online gambling or gaming you’re advertising. There are different types, like skill games, lotteries, betting, casino games, and sweepstakes.
  • For each type, you need to show that you’re allowed to advertise it. This could be a gambling license or a legal letter saying you can do this without a license.
  • If you’re promoting a charity lottery where no license is needed, you also need to show that the charity is officially recognized and knows about the lottery.
  • If you’re working with other companies (like affiliates), you might need to show their gambling licenses too.

Declaration Before Submitting Your Ad Application

Before you send in your application to run gambling and gaming ads, there’s one last important step – the Declaration.

  • Review Your Application: Go over everything you’ve filled out. Make sure all the information about your ad account, the websites you want to advertise, and the types of gambling or gaming is correct.
  • Read the Declaration: This is like a promise that all the information you gave is true and that you understand Meta’s rules for these kinds of ads.
  • Understand Meta’s Rules: There’s an addendum, or extra set of rules, just for online gambling and gaming ads. Read this carefully so you know what you’re agreeing to.

Submit Once

  • One Application at a Time: Sending more than one application for the same thing won’t make the process go faster. In fact, it could slow things down. So, just submit your application once and wait for their response.

Practical Steps for Applying to Run Online Gambling and Gaming Ads

Gaming and Gaming Ads Form

1: Choose Your Application Type

First, decide what kind of application you’re making:

  • New Application: Choose this if you’re asking for permission for the first time.
  • Apply Existing Permissions to New Ad Account: Select this if you already have permission and just want to use it for a different ad account.

2: Business Manager and Ad Account IDs

  • Business Manager ID: You need to give your Business Manager account ID. To find it, go to, click on ‘Settings’, then ‘Business Settings’, and look under ‘Business Info’.
  • Ad Account ID: This is the ID for the ad account you want to use for your ads. Again, go to, click on ‘Settings’, then ‘Business Settings’, and choose ‘Ads Accounts’. Write down the ID and put it in the form.

3: Company Name

  • Legal Entity Name: Write the official name of your company. This is the legal name, not the name people usually see or your trading name.

4: Advertiser Activity

  • Choose ‘Operator’: If you’re the one running the gambling or gaming service, pick ‘Operator’.

5: URLs and Target Territory

Gambling and Gaming Ads in India Territories
  • URLs: You can list up to five websites, but it’s good to start with just two. One should be your main website (Landing Page URL) and the other the page with your (Website terms and conditions). If your app is on the Play Store, include the Play Store link too.

Adding Supporting Documents for Your Online Gambling and Gaming Ad Application

1. Supporting Documents

  • Screenshots and Copies: You need to upload screenshots of your landing page or app. These should show all the games available. Make sure the screenshots clearly show the website’s URL and the games. If you’re an aggregator (meaning you link to other gambling sites), include screenshots of these third-party sites too.
  • Terms and Conditions: Upload a copy of your website’s terms and conditions in English.
  • Redirect Confirmation: If your website redirects to another site, provide a screenshot showing this redirection.
  • File Size: Remember, each file you upload should be no bigger than 10 MB.

2. Additional Supporting Documents

  • Legal Memo: If you have documents showing you’re allowed to run a fantasy application in specific areas, upload them here. Again, files should be no larger than 10 MB.

Licenses Related to Online Gaming in India

3. Protective Measures

  • Choose All That Apply: Select any safety measures you use, like blocking users from certain places (geo-blocking), checking users’ ages (age-gating), verifying addresses, doing KYC checks (like ID and bank details), requiring a local phone number, or needing a national tax number.

4. Territory Selection

  • Choose Your Target Area: Make sure you select India. For sub-territories, choose “Other, except: Assam; Andhra Pradesh; Odisha and Telangana.” (Avoid these Indian territories: Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya, Assam, Tamil Nadu. Skipping these areas helps your ads run smoothly.)

5. Online Gambling/Gaming Type and Licenses

  • Do You Need a Gambling License? Choose ‘Yes’.
  • Attach Your Gambling Licenses: Upload any legal documents that show you’re allowed to run these types of games in your chosen areas. Each file should be under 10 MB.

6. Gambling Type Declaration

Gambling and Gaming Legal Memo
  • Confirm Your Game Types: If you’re running e-game tournaments, confirm that they’re based on skill and don’t have much chance involved. Also, confirm that the way you run these tournaments doesn’t add elements of chance or turn them into betting games.
  • Select “Game of Skill

7. Email Address for Notifications

  • Choose Your Email: Select the email address where you want to get updates about your application.

8. Agree and Send

  • Final Step: Check the box to agree with everything and then hit ‘Send’ to submit your application.

Creating Meta’s Online Gaming and Gambling Campaign Ads

All the Process for creating ads would be same but you need to remember two most important things while running campaign.

1. Avoid these Indian territories: Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Sikkim, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya, Assam, Tamil Nadu. Skipping these areas helps your ads run smoothly.

2. Use smart image sizes: Create infographics in 1:1, 1.91:1, and 9:16. These sizes work for Reels, Stories, video ads, in-stream placements, images, and more. They’re easy to adjust for different ad formats without needing to re-create everything.

To inquire about Facebook ad services from Content Ladder, email with details about your gambling and gaming ad needs. Alternatively, call 8697894080 or 6290567852, clearly stating your requirements, target audience, and campaign goals, ensuring compliance with Facebook’s ad policies.