66 AI Words You Should Ban from Your Content

Suppose you are running a search engine, and you have to find and ban AI-generated content. How do you do it? You might provide a large number of words to the bot and ask it that if it finds these types of words in an article and if the frequency of using such a number is very high, then deindex, derank, or even ban that page from the search engine. You are not going to take manual action for a large number of websites. So, even if you are writing from AI, make sure that you are not using AI words in your content to tell the bot that it is human-written content. In this article, I will guide you on which AI words you need to avoid and never use in your content.

List of AI Words You Should Ban from Your Content

After evaluating almost 1000 pages from an affiliate website that uses a scaled content spam policy to generate 100 articles each day, I am continuously finding some common words. I am going to provide here in this article the most important words that you need to avoid.

So I asked ChatGPT to write an article on the keywords “digital marketing, Content marketing, Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization,” and I found out these words a common in all of those articles 

Here are the AI Words that I find it common in every AI-generated articles 

  1. Elevate – To lift something to a higher position or level, often used metaphorically to suggest improving or enhancing something.
  2. Delve – To carry out an exhaustive or thorough search for information, knowledge, or truth.
  3. Explore – To investigate, study, or analyze an idea, concept, or physical space.
  4. Leverage – To use something to its maximum advantage, especially a resource or quality.
  5. Enhance – To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
  6. Utilize – To make practical and effective use of something.
  7. Foster – To encourage the development or growth of ideas, feelings, or capabilities.
  8. Propel – To drive or push something forward.
  9. Optimize – To make something as effective, perfect, or useful as possible.
  10. Catalyze – To cause or accelerate a reaction or change without being changed itself.
  11. Disrupt – To radically change an industry, business strategy, etc., by introducing a new product or service that creates a new market.
  12. Synergize – To combine or coordinate the functions of different elements so that the total effect is greater than the sum of the individual elements.
  13. Ensure – To make certain that something will occur or be the case.
  14. Comprehensive – Thorough and complete; covering all or nearly all elements or aspects.
  15. Illuminate – To light up or make clear.
  16. Cultivate – To develop or improve by education or training; to foster growth.
  17. Prowess – Skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.
  18. Harness – To control and make use of natural resources, especially to produce energy.
  19. Turbocharge – To make more powerful, dynamic, and effective.
  20. Spearheaded – To lead or initiate an activity or project.
  21. Energize – To give vitality and enthusiasm to.
  22. Navigate – To plan and direct the course of a journey, or metaphorically, to find one’s way in a complex situation.
  23. Deploy – To use or introduce something effectively.
  24. Elucidate – To make something clear; explain.
  25. Galvanize – To shock or excite someone into taking action.
  26. Reimagine – To reinterpret an event, work of art, etc., imaginatively; to think about something in a new or different way.
  27. Streamline – To make an organization or system more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods.
  28. Unlock – To make something accessible; to reveal or free hidden potential.
  29. Seamless – Smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next.
  30. Dynamic – Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  31. Ever-evolving – Continuously changing and developing.
  32. Data-driven – Making decisions based on data analysis rather than intuition.
  33. Top-notch – Of the highest quality; excellent.
  34. Cater – To provide what is needed or desired.
  35. Tailoring – Adapting to suit specific needs or requirements.
  36. Possess – To have or own something.
  37. Encompasses – To include comprehensively.
  38. Aimed – Directed towards an objective or goal.
  39. Indispensable – Absolutely necessary; essential.
  40. Explore – To investigate or discuss in detail.
  41. Landscape – The overall situation or environment in which events occur.
  42. Ever-evolving landscape – A situation or field that is continuously changing and developing.
  43. Pivotal – Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.
  44. Evolution – The gradual development of something.
  45. In the Digital Age – Referring to the current era characterized by widespread technology use and digital communication.
  46. Drive – To push or propel something forward.
  47. Revolves – Focuses around or centers upon.
  48. Essence – The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something.
  49. Profitable – Bringing advantage or monetary gain.
  50. Transcends – Goes beyond the limits of; exceeds.
  51. Significance – The quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
  52. Poised – Balanced or ready for action.
  53. Integration – The process of combining or coordinating separate elements so that they work together effectively.
  54. Navigating – To plan and direct the course; metaphorically, to find one’s way through complex situations.
  55. Complex World – Refers to the intricate and multifaceted nature of modern global circumstances.
  56. Comprehensive Guide – An all-inclusive resource that provides detailed information on a specific topic.
  57. In the digital era – Similar to “In the Digital Age,” referring to the current period dominated by digital technologies.
  58. Overstated – Expressed or stated too strongly; exaggerated.
  59. Intricacies – The complex details or complexities of something.
  60. Terms and phrases – Words and expressions used within a particular context.
  61. Emphasizing – Giving special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing.
  62. Blend – Mixing ideas or technologies together.
  63. Aligned – In harmony or agreement.
  64. Digital Transformation – Updating business with digital technology.
  65. Flagged – Marked for review or attention.
  66. Versatile – Flexible and adaptable to many uses.

Don’t think that if you remove all these 66 AI words from your article, you have avoided scaled content abuse

While it’s true that removing certain AI-identified words can enhance your website’s visibility, impressions, and clicks, relying solely on this strategy might not be good. Imagine a scenario where Google updates its algorithms. What then? This is why I urge all content creators to follow the helpful content update guidelines when crafting their articles. It’s about adding real value to your readers, and ensuring your content’s relevance and longevity.

If you’re finding it challenging to align your content with the helpful content update or if you’re unsure how to implement this policy effectively, don’t worry. Help is at hand. You can get a free guide from Content Ladder. This resource is designed to assist you in creating content that not only ranks well but also genuinely serves your audience’s needs.

Visit Content Ladder today to grab your free guide on crafting helpful, enduring content that connects with your audience and complies with the latest guidelines. Start creating content that lasts for a longer period of time!