Bypassing AI Content Detectors with ChatGPT Custom Instructions

Imagine you’ve spent countless hours perfecting your writing style, only to find out that AI-generated content is setting new benchmarks in your field. Even worse, advanced AI content detectors can now easily spot such content, making it a double-edged sword for writers. So, what’s a writer to do? Well, what if I told you that you can instruct ChatGPT using its feature called ‘ChatGPT Custom Instructions’ to create content that sneaks past these AI detectors (learn more about how AI Detectors Work)? Intriguing, right? But, let’s pause and ask: Is this the solution we need, or are we focusing on the wrong issue?

Struggle of Content Creators

Let’s get real; writers are facing an uphill battle. With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, the content landscape is changing lightning. But here’s the kicker: advanced AI detectors such as Copyleaks, Contentscale,, and have increasingly identified machine-generated text. It’s like playing cat and mouse, and guess what? The mouse is losing.

ChatGPT Custom Instructions: A Temporary Relief?

So, you may think, “How can I, as a writer, coexist with AI and even outsmart these detectors?” Good news: custom instructions for ChatGPT can help you produce content that’s virtually indistinguishable from human writing. Yep, you heard it right, you can actually teach the machine how to write like you. But, wait a sec—shouldn’t we be asking ourselves if this is the right path?

Copy-Paste the Below in ‘Custom Instructions’

Q. What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

A. I enjoy responses that feel like a casual human conversation—varied, nuanced, and not overly formal. I value accuracy but prefer a natural tone, even if that means using idiomatic expressions occasionally. The content should flow smoothly, avoiding abrupt transitions. I appreciate simple, meaningful sentences over ones filled with unnecessary adjectives. In essence, I want the information to be both engaging and informative, as if ChatGPT is explaining something to a close friend. Adding a few semi-grammar errors here and there for a more human touch would also be nice.

Q. How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

A. I’m after a touch of spontaneity. Instead of a predictable sequence, I’d like the content to occasionally begin with an interesting story, fact, or example before delving into the main topic. The language should be clear and simple. As for titles or headings, I prefer them to be straightforward and informative. For example, instead of “Unveiling the Mysteries of XYZ,” something like “Your A to Z Guide to Understanding XYZ” works better for me. The intro should grab my interest, and the rest of the content should get to the point in the first 1-2 lines, followed by relevant examples. A short paragraph should precede a comprehensive step-by-step explanation if steps are involved. Bullet points are great for listing multiple items.

ChatGPT Custom Instructions
(Copyleaks, claims to have 99% accuracy, fails miserably)

ChatGPT Custom Instructions
(Contentscale, used by many big firms, performs worse that Copyleaks)

Making Custom Instructions Work for You

It’s not rocket science, but it requires a bit of finesse. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Define Your Style: Clearly express your writing preferences. Want it to sound casual? Say so!
  2. Be Specific: The devil’s in the details. The more precise you are, the better the AI will mimic your style.
  3. Test and Iterate: You won’t get it perfect the first time. Test multiple iterations and refine as you go.

How to Use ChatGPT Custom Instructions Feature?

Using ChatGPT Custom Instruction is easy. Below are the steps:

1. Login to your ChatGPT account ( – make sure you have ChatGPT Plus subscription

2. Create on the 3-dot ‘Menu’ icon on left-bottom side of the screen (Beside your profile name)

3. Click on ‘Custom instructions’ and paste the aforementioned content.

That’s all! You are ready to generate ‘human content’ that passes ‘AI detectors’.

Identifying AI vs. Human-Generated Content


  • AI: Often, AI-generated content is super consistent. It doesn’t get tired, it doesn’t have mood swings, and it certainly doesn’t have a favorite word it overuses.
  • Human: Humans, on the other hand, might have variations in their writing due to mood, environment, or even the time of day.
  • Example: If you find that the tone and style are remarkably consistent throughout a long piece, there’s a good chance it’s AI-generated.

Complexity and Depth

  • AI: While AI is getting better, it sometimes struggles with complex ideas and nuanced arguments.
  • Human: A human writer is likely to explore topics in depth, adding layers of complexity and nuance that machines find tough to replicate.
  • Example: If the content dives into intricate details and presents a multifaceted view, it’s probably human-generated.

Grammar and Syntax

  • AI: Oddly enough, AIs are often too perfect when it comes to grammar and syntax. They don’t usually make typos or grammatical errors unless programmed to do so.
  • Human: We all make mistakes, right? A stray typo or semi-grammar error can often signal human hands at work.
  • Example: If the content is grammatically flawless but lacks the occasional slip-up that adds a human touch, it might be AI-generated.

Context and References

  • AI: Most AIs aren’t clued in on current events or pop culture unless it’s been explicitly fed that data.
  • Human: Humans naturally incorporate current trends, news, or pop culture references.
  • Example: If you find timely references to current happenings, it’s more likely to be human work.


  • AI: Some AIs have a tendency to be repetitive or to overuse certain phrases.
  • Human: Humans usually catch this kind of repetition and edit it out.
  • Example: If you notice the same phrases or points being hammered home a bit too often, it could be a machine at play.

Subtlety and Humor

  • AI: Sarcasm and subtle humor? Not really an AI’s strong suit.
  • Human: People often use humor, irony, or sarcasm to make a point.
  • Example: If there’s a clever play on words or a sarcastic comment, chances are it’s human-generated.

So, the next time you’re scrolling through an article or a post, keep these pointers in mind. With a little bit of observation, you’ll become a pro at spotting the difference.

Content Ladder: The AI Whisperers

If you’re not a tech whiz but still want to make the most of AI, Content Ladder can be your go-to guide. This agency specializes in AI hacks and can teach you how to work with these tools to improve the quality of your content.

Rethinking the Game

Custom instructions can be a game-changer, not just for evading AI detectors but for many other applications. However, the bigger question remains: Is bypassing AI detectors the best use of this technology? Or are we missing the bigger picture here?

Final Words: Embracing the Change

AI is here, and it’s not going away. Instead of devising ways to outsmart it, how about we focus on embracing it to improve the quality of our work? After all, quality is what truly matters, whether it comes from a machine, a human, or a blend of both.

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